It’s a great time to subscribe to the channel because we’ve just hit 2000 subscribers, in the YouTube land it may not be a huge number, for me and this channel, it’s a huge milestone and one that I’m proud of. I want to thank you guys for your support over the last year and a half, It’s kind of really just meant a lot and one of the things I want to do with this channel is to help people and I think we’ve done that and help people to a significant degree as we can.

We want to take things to the next level and bring more content, more reviews, more variety to the channel in terms of what we do, maybe even collaborations and things like that. So, thank you guys so much.

I want to take the opportunity as well to just do a special shout out to the Eye Floaters Community . You guys have been great with your support, and if you are eagle-eyed out there, you will know that I’ve made quite a few eye floater videos on this channel and that’s because you guys have been a great support.

As somebody who suffers from floaters myself, it’s just been a natural kind of topic to be able to talk to and progress the channel based around, with that in mind, I want to just announce as well that I’m starting a Discord channel, the Discord server for the channel, and I think that will just be a great way to be able to keep the conversation going in between videos.

This channel isn’t all about floaters or other things that we will do on this channel, but for those of you who are keen on wanting to discuss more eye floaters, than the Discord server on floaters will be a great place to be able to keep that conversation alive and have a look at a range of other things and ways you can support other people in the community as well.

I’m going to call the community Eye Floater Fighters, so while it’s probably not the most elegant and glamorous of names, it’s a start. I’m certainly open to changing that if anybody has any better suggestions out there but essentially, I think it speaks to what we want to do on this channel. We are fighting floaters and with your help, then we can continue to grow the community.

I think that will be number one in the Discord space, I don’t know if there’s anybody else doing our floaters on the Discord servers, but it doesn’t matter because our server is its own thing and it’s a place really that I envisage us having lots of different channels within the server that do a lot of different things all around helping people to get resources and we’ll have channels such as being able to get testimonials from other people about the operations they’ve had, whether that’s vitrectomies, whether that’s vitreolysis then people can leave testimonials there, also having recommendations for surgeons and things like that. I think would be great to hear from people who’ve had great experiences and even experiences that weren’t great so that others will know to avoid that particular clinic or surgeon, whatever the case may be.

Those of you who don’t know what Discord is, then it is a place that we can organise and control our content and that’s something that I’m keen to be able to do. I also want to have an area on there where we can work on research papers and I have papers that people kind of suggest and then we can have a look at them individually or collectively.

The idea is that the channel is community-generated content and it’s not just me giving my ideas or thoughts, but it’s a place that everyone can kind of come and share their thoughts on. I will, of course be present and will be active as much as I can in there as well and I can be reached on there, so that’s real and that’s what I wanted to make.

Those of you who want a Discord Channel that’s not about floaters, then, consider this as a little test-bed based on how it goes, we might open up other servers for other areas of eye care that I’m particularly interested in, such as dry eyes or macular health as well, so that’s something I just want to do for the community.

Also wanted to announce as well that if you guys want to support the channel with either tips or ongoing membership support for the channel, you can do that with a link I’ve created for the Buy Me Coffee platform. Buy Me Coffee is very much like patreon, but it’s a lot more convenient, I think, for people who do want to donate because you don’t have to do ongoing giving. You can do one-off gifts as well, but also have a membership kind of structure in there and people who do want to join that, then we’ve got a range of kind of perks that might suit you, such as being able to access a special area in the school community for those of you who want to be part of the eye floaters to fight Discord community.

Well, so that’s the announcement and I will leave all the information below, so do check that out and once again, thank you guys for making this 2000 subscriber kind of milestone happen.

I look forward to stepping the game up a little bit more and making other great content for you guys until next time I look forward to catching you then take care.

=== JOIN the EYE FLOATER FIGHTERS free Discord community ===

Discord (Be one of the first!):

=== SUPPORT the channel at any time === I like coffee, u like perks?:

=== Recommended videos ===

#1 Start with my floater video playlist if you are new to understanding eye floaters:…

#2 The floater Doctor YouTube Atropine telemedicine video:

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