In the blog post, we will be talking about MSM, a product that many people use for a wide range of different things, but we’re going to be today looking specifically at whether there is any possible use case for MSM as a treatment for eye floaters.

So this post, we are going to cover a couple of things, so first of all, we’ll do a little bit of introduction about what MSM is and then we’ll talk about some of the huge cases that people have for MSM and then I’ll take a deeper look into the possibility of MSM being used for the treatment of eye floaters and possibly other eye conditions as well and then I’ll give you my conclusions and thoughts on MSM.

Now for going further for all you floaters fighters out there that want a community of supportive individuals that know exactly what you’re going through, then please check out my link in the description box below and just click on that and get involved and subscribe to the server and there’s a few of us already in the community and this just designed to be a supportive, friendly environment for people with floaters, where you can share experiences, any kind of referrals of specialists that you might have been to that may help somebody else as well. So I’d love to see you on the inside of that.

So what is MSM?

Well, MSM stands for Methyl Sulfonyl Methane and with a name like that, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s a synthetic man-made compound but the reality is that MSM exists in nature and is something that as humans that we all have an essential need of.

When we look at the structure of MSM, we see that there are essentially two core functional groups that make up the structure of MSM and these are 2 Methyl groups and also a Sulfonyl group and it seems to be functional groups that give MSM the wide range of use cases that people have found for it.

So just some of the ways that so far is important in our bodies are the fact that it’s responsible for making some of the essential and non-essential amino acids that our body needs to make all the proteins that our bodies rely on. That’s not uncommon for people to become deficient in MSM and Sulphur because of the way that we prepare our food in the freezing process or the hydration process of food and then the fruits and vegetables that we rely on to get our supplies of MSM can become depleted because it kind of degenerates.

So I look at some of the general claim benefits of MSM, here is a list of some of the things that people use MSM for;

Arthritis is a common one, whether that’s rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, lower back pains headaches, migraines, muscle aches.

People use it to be able to speed up their recovery and to improve the healing process. Also, people with restricted movement because of joints and tendon tightness tend to use MSM for, hair restoration, as well as a use case that some people use it for, also, allergies such as hay fever are one as well that people might use MSM for.

I have to say that from the research point of view, many studies that have been done on MSM, it appears that the kind of consistency of results and findings doesn’t seem to be kind of found and doesn’t seem to be corroborated by all of these studies consistently. However, anecdotal data tells us that many people are reporting benefits for a wide range of different things by using MSM. So keep that in mind and keep in mind that, science, doesn’t give us a firm confirmation that MSM does all of these things all the time for everybody, specifically for the eyes.

We know that many people use MSM for dry eyes as some people use it as well, and claim benefits for its use has help for cataracts and then what we’re going to kind of go into a bit more detail here is the use case for eye floaters. Now, for my research, the five common factors that seem to link all of these different conditions that people claim MSM is helping them for are as follows;

  • Membrane Interactions.

We know that MSM can penetrate membranes. It’s essential for membrane health in your cells, in all cells throughout our whole body. Many kinds of research studies have found that MSM does improve the permeability of membranes and this appears to be the case in the cornea as well.

  • Antioxidant properties.

MSM is very important for creating the essential and non-essential amino acids that our body needs and many of these are antioxidants and powerful antioxidants as well, that and that is helpful for our bodies and it seems that many of these conditions that benefit are benefiting from extra antioxidant properties of MSM.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties.

So we know that many of these conditions that people use it for are inflammatory conditions, know the MSM can control or impact cortisol levels in the body, which is a hormone and has, as well as other important roles, can control and reduce the process of inflammation that goes on in the body.

  • Collagen and connective tissue manipulation.

So it’s well documented as well, the MSM can loosen her tight connective tissue and, situations, for example, where people have scar tissue, where the fibres have thickened, or if they’ve got tight tendons and things like that, then it appears that MSM can kind of loosen the range of movement in these stiff connective tissues.

  • Is pain relief.

This is because, again, MSM is documented as being a natural analgesic as it’s called, which means it’s able to kind of block our receptors, pain receptors, and as a result, have people find that they get good relief from painful conditions and that may be them once used for things like back pain relief.

Now, with those five factors in mind, I’m going to have a look at how that might make sense then for liquid MSM eye drops to possibly be beneficial for people, particularly in the case of eye floaters, but also in other conditions as well, like cataracts and dry eyes.

Now, just touching out quickly in the case of dry eyes then that, certainly makes sense to me because one of the main issues with dry eye is the fact that it’s a condition that causes inflammation of the eyes and the inflammation is one of the biggest problems when it comes to dry eyes.

So when you’re applying a product like MSM on your eye and it has this powerful antioxidant property or it’s able to work at the level of the mucous membranes of the conjunctiva and the cornea, if it’s able to bring more anti-inflammatory benefits on that surface, then it is no wonder that dry eye sufferers will find MSM being beneficial for them in a way that just standard eye drops may perhaps not be enough.

In the case of cataracts, this always struck me as one that appeared to be more a case of wishful thinking more than anything else in terms of whether MSM would be able to reduce cataracts, improve cataracts but certainly I can imagine a situation where if MSM was able to penetrate the cornea and then, you know, get around the crystalline lens, particularly in situations where people have had invasive eye surgery, such as a vitrectomy or something like that, where there may be some risk of oxygen getting into the eye and around the crystalline lens, then the presence of MSM certainly post-operatively might be something beneficial to counter-act any oxidation process that might happen around them and as we said, MSM has antioxidant properties then that could be one way that perhaps it could be applied and used and may be beneficial in stopping the formation of cataract post-surgery.

Now, there are also talks where some people have said that they might have the ability to remove the toxins in the crystalline lens and by making the crystalline lens more permeable. So some of the content and things come out, I think potentially that could be the case but we also know that some of the reasons why people get adulated cataracts are a result of old redundant cells that have migrated towards the centre of the crystalline lens, so it may not be that those can be resolved with the use of something like MSM.

Now on the subject of eye floaters, then again, this is one that, again, could appear quite far fetched but again, we know that MSM is really powerful in terms of its ability to interact with free up and loosen collagen fibres. Well, we know that the vitreous has collagen fibrils in there and floaters are essentially the clumping together of college fibrils,
so we know that there is a potential for MSM to be able to easily permeate through cell membranes and we can permeate through the cornea and get into the vitreous area then potentially is what it can do its magic, if you like, on the collagen fibrils.

So if you’ve got larger clumps that have to come together causing annoying floaters and it can loosen them and separate these clumps, then that could be one potential mechanism by which people who have floaters are using MSM may find that it has helped them in some way and reduce their awareness of their floaters.

Now, a lot of people who use MSM for floaters also take other things with it, such as vitamins. I think people use vitamin D, some people might use hyaluronic acid as well and the thinking here may be that the fact that MSN improves the permeability of these other products as well, that people are taking and then there may be this cumulative this combined effect of whether it’s hydraulic acid, vitamin D, as well as the MSM that they’re taking as well.

So that’s one kind of line of thought and one possible way that it could be explained that MSM could be beneficial for eye floaters, as I said, you’re probably not going to find any consistent studies saying that this is the case. However, one of the things I’ve learnt is that studies don’t often give us the full picture of everything and I think one of the most important things, though is if you’re going to consider trying something like MSM, you want to know in the first instance that it’s going to be safe for your eyes in the first place and it’s not there’s not going to be any side effects or risks and things like that.

So as far as I can see, MSM appears to be perfectly safe it’s something that’s very well tolerated, so I think from a safety point of view, MSM use sensibly shouldn’t be an issue at all from that point of view, there’s a whole lot that we can say about medicine and, get into the science of it and initially was like the video I was just getting into the widths of all of that detail but you know what we’ve kind of just got covered, really just the crux of what is the essential kind of understanding and that might give you the confidence to go ahead and try it yourself.

So I’m certainly not recommending it for anybody to try, if you want to try, then obviously kind of do your research yourself but hopefully that kind of outlines some thinking along the lines of how it may be possible that MSM could be beneficial.

Having said that, you know, I’m thinking that I might well get hold of some MSM liquid, MSM myself and try it and be interested to know what you guys think, whether that’s something you’d be interested in, knowing how it works out with me. If you are, let me know in the comments section below should I try liquid MSM eye drops for some time and see whether that does anything for me? Certainly, my floaters have been getting worse, so it’ll be interesting to see whether this is something that could help.

Thank you so much for reading and until the next one, take care.

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