And this going to be giving you a quick update on my three-month results, having tried VitroCap the nutritional supplement that claims to be able to help with the underlying causes of vitreous floaters. So I’ve been trying it for three months and have had several requests for my feedback on my results, I’m going to make that clear to you in this blog post.

Having used VitroCap for about three months, you get ninety capsules in the box, so research work that I’ve looked at as well, they do recommend that this three-month period is about the length of time that they’ve been able to experience some of the reported benefits of using VitroCap.

Now, having used it for that length of time, I can report to you that my floaters haven’t got any better and sadly, in fact, they’ve gotten a bit worse, since publishing the last update after one month of using VitroCap have had two extra floaters come on in the left eye.

Now, what I will say is that I don’t think this is a result of using VitroCap, I think it’s just coincidental. Nevertheless, it doesn’t fill you with much confidence about the product, so much like what I suspected when I first started this trial, I didn’t expect VitroCap to be a cure for my floaters, I did however, suspect that if they were going to do anything, that they’d have more of a benefit in stabilizing the floaters and slowing down the progression or new floaters developing, if anything, that’s proved not to be the case, certainly in my experience.

Unfortunately, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but VitroCap I don’t think is going to be the solution to anybody’s floaters, much like what I’ve said in the first blog post, after one month of use, having now given it full three months, I can say it isn’t making my floaters any better at all and I wouldn’t expect it to do the same for you.

If you’re reading this post with the expectation of and the hope really of being able to go out and get this product to be effective against your vitreous eye floaters, then sadly it doesn’t look like Vitrocap is going to be a solution for you or anybody else. What I will say, though, is that VitroCap is the formulation I’m using is the original formulation and the current formulation that is available now is VitroCap N and you can get that directly from the makers of the product.

So having not tried that I can’t necessarily say that itself will be using the same results and of course, some of the research I’ve looked at, a lot of that has been based on this new formulation of Vitrocap N and you can catch up in my last update video as well, about Vitrocap N, just to kind of go through a little bit more about what the difference is in, it is not much of a difference between Vitrocap N and this VitroCap as well. So I’m certainly not holding out any hopes for that one being significantly any better, but you never know, So if anybody does try if you have any success with it, then please let me know in the comment section below.

The main reason I wanted to try VitroCap is that it is probably the only way I know that is available and has gone through approval and it’s available in pharmacies and optical retailers and optical suppliers as well and it’s quite a new product certainly in the UK. So really, with that in mind, I want to just check for myself whether it’s going to be a product that I could recommend to my patients.

Now, if you hear about any new products or anything that you may be interested in terms of therapies for vitreous eye floaters that you want me to try out, Let me know in the comments section below, I’m happy to look into some of these products and some of these methods and just to kind of give feedback on what my thoughts are and maybe even try some of these things.

As eye floater sufferer myself, I know how annoying it is for people, and I know a lot of you guys are going through a lot of frustration with eye floater as well, the great thing is there seems to be a community of people who want to try and find solutions for their vitreous floaters. So, I think it’s a great initiative and people are happy to share information and collaborate, so I’ve started a forum on my website and leave a link to that as well, if you want to join in the discussion over there, I’ll be posting some more things about vitreous floaters, research and things like that and I think, a great environment for people to come and join and I’m also happy to support other people’s vitreous floater to kind of groups and campaigns and things like that as well.

So as long as we talk about products that are back to research and are open to kind of critique, then I think I’m more than happy to talk about those in and collaborate with people on the discussions and things like that as well but my forum is a new initiative that I’ve kind of started, below is a link to the website if you want to kind of join in any conversations over there as well.

Join my new floater forum:

Thanks for reading this blog post and I look forward to seeing you in my next one.

Take care.

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